We are proud of our office here at the Center for Healthy Minds. We do our best to provide for the privacy of our patients, including a parking lot behind the building, a comfortable waiting area, a private waiting room and an exit directly out of Dr. Rothbort’s private office. All of our offices have state of the art soundproofing. In addition to privacy, our office location is easy to find, has abundant free parking and is wheelchair accessible. We are located on the south shore of Long Island, Nassau County. We try to assist young patients with waiting while their parents speak to their doctor or physician assistant by offering a choice of videos to watch, hand held video games to play, toys, and books. Our friendly staff will welcome you and attend to your needs for the duration of your visit with us. We take care to ensure that each visit with us is pleasant, professional, and productive.
The Center for Healthy Minds is a private practice dedicated to the treatment of psychiatric disorders in children, adolescents and adults. We provide expert, dedicated and compassionate care to children, teens and adults struggling with mental health issues.
Our mission is to provide the highest quality psychiatric care by drawing our combined experience and expertise to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients. Our goal is to treat symptoms to enable our patients to thrive in their day to day lives and progress optimally in their development.